Advice #1
Winterization of your chlorinator
Advice #1
Winterization of your chlorinator
Your pool is at 15°C, switch to winter mode!
Winter is approaching, and you are wondering how to prepare your device for this season. The wintering procedure for our equipment is different in the following two cases:
Wintering with filtration shutdown
Firstly, get in touch with your pool professional who will tell you which winterizing treatment is suitable for your pool. He or she will also offer you protection against ice pressure (compensation floaters).
Switch off the device and store it in a dry, temperate place.
In the case of pH regulation, remove the pH sensor and put it in its protection with a little water from the pool or tap. Rinse the entire pH corrector circuit with clean water.
Finally, also replace the hose of the peristaltic pump and the non-return valves. The maintenance kit includes all the necessary parts. If the replacement is not carried out during winter storage, it must be carried out when the pump is put back into service.
Wintering without stopping the filtration
Leave the cell and, if necessary, the pH probe in place.
In case of frost, switch the filtration system to 24-hour mode.
Replace the hose of the peristaltic pump and the non-return valves. The maintenance kit includes all necessary parts. If the replacement is not carried out during wintering, it should be carried out when the unit is put back into service.
Our additional advice
Filter 3 hours to 4 hours min/day between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m.
Switch filtration to 24 hour mode in case of frost